I am so excited that I have another project done. :) Thanks for a wonderful time to finish up. Now I need to finish a couple of other projects so I can put them away for next year. Humm...who was that second set for? I think I will keep it for myself. :)
Scrapbooking and recording our day to day ORDINARY lives when God does EXTRAORDINARY things. Be hungry for more. Christian Scrapbooking and home decor.
013. Another Project Done!
I am so excited that I have another project done. :) Thanks for a wonderful time to finish up. Now I need to finish a couple of other projects so I can put them away for next year. Humm...who was that second set for? I think I will keep it for myself. :)
012. Pictures of Josh
011. Busy December
So I was determined to finish all my projects before this Christmas. I didn't even get close but I did a lot. I started with a couple of bridal shower prizes. It was fun to make these little guys.

Then I had to make the actual baby shower gift. This one caused a problem. I was going to write with vinyl on the glass in my frame but This frame was too well made for that. I would have had to glue the glass in. Instead I Made it in fabric. I think it turned out nice.

The last thing I did was make my work friends gifts. An army of reindeer. It was a lot of work but they turned out very nice.

It was fun. Only around seven projects to go. :)

Then I had to make the actual baby shower gift. This one caused a problem. I was going to write with vinyl on the glass in my frame but This frame was too well made for that. I would have had to glue the glass in. Instead I Made it in fabric. I think it turned out nice.
The last thing I did was make my work friends gifts. An army of reindeer. It was a lot of work but they turned out very nice.
It was fun. Only around seven projects to go. :)
009. Great Idea.
008. Surprise trip to Lasting Memories
Our our way home from my training Shawn surprised me with a trip to Lasting Memories. They were all set up for Christmas. It was their Christmas open house. :) They have so many great ideas. I used Shawn's phone and got a few pictures. I even found a Christmas gift there for someone. I wonder if I should put it together or should I let her? hummmm..
007. Finished Projects
Just finished one project and a part of another. :) My trees turned out cute but one is a little Charlie Brownish and each has it's own personality. I also finished the fronts of the boards for my hallway but I ran into an issue. The panels are about a quarter of an inch too small :( Oops. I also can't get the backs off of the frames. I will have to have Shawn work on it for me. I might have to make a change of plans if neither of these things work.
006. Mass Production and a Little Help
Yesterday I spent the entire day cutting out material for two of my projects. I cut out eight tree napkins and trunks, and the parts to my bulletin boards for the hall. Today my goal is to sew them all up and iron them so they can be put together. Unfortunately I have a little helper that has decided he can help by pushing the pedal on the sewing machine when my fingers are in it. I cleaned it all out and unjammed it and then five minutes later he does it again. I give up for now. I will go back to it later.
005. My Favorite Page of the crop at Bella's
Ellie was so concerned at the end of her preschool year that Mrs. Miller was going to forget her. So we decided one way to help Ellie feel a little more secure in leaving was to make her a gift. We went to the local craft store and she picked out what she wanted to make. She was so proud. My layout uses a Basic Gray 6x6 paper pack and Jennie Bowlin letter stickers. I was excited to see how it turned out.
004. Building an Army of Reindeer
003. Debbie's Birthday Card
Tomorrow is Debbie's birthday and this weekend I plan on finishing up her birthday gift but I wanted to have something in hand to celebrate with today. I chose a Carmel machiato and a homemade card. I had fun finger paining the butterfly on the card and using glitter. The glimmer mist was fun as well.
002. Cork Board
For our wedding a friend gave us a simple 8x8 cork board. For years I have admired it. This weekend I went to Craftwarehouse for a couple of supplies for a gift for Alyson's birthday. Unfortunalty they didn't have what I needed and I had to change plans. I saw a piece of corkboard and immediatly I knew what I wanted to make. I bought a frame, the corkboard, and some really cute tacks then Ellie and I put it together in less than 15minutes. It was very easy. I may have to repeat this for Christmas gifts this year.
001. Create
God gave me a gift. I love to create. I started this blog to start looking at ideas and to share what I do to use this gift everyday. I can't wait to show you what I have created and I am going to attempt to post 100 ideas and pieces of creativity this year. --Elizabeth
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